I’m Lindsey- Wife to Josh, Foster Mom-in-the-Making, Fur-Parent to a very needy 12 year old toy poodle named Tyson, School Counselor, and Mother Hen to a host of chickens and ducks.

Our piece of paradise- Whatsoever Homestead- is situated on two acres in Southeast Texas. My crazy good lookin’ husband and I are launching into this exciting, educational, and slightly terrifying homestead journey with great expectations! We are honored to share our experiences with you and hope you’ll stick around to watch us grow. While we don’t have a huge amount of land (yet), we firmly believe in making the most of what we have by working within nature’s intended design in creating our own sustainable little slice of heaven. The current residents of the homestead include 1 Handsome Josh, 1 Lindsey, 1 Tyson (poodle child), 28 laying hens, 1 very chill Rogelio the Rooster, 3 Pants (Khaki Campbell ducks), and 2 Tucks (Welch Harlequin ducks).

Josh and I both work demanding full-time jobs with opposing schedules at times, so I am equal parts terrified and excited to see how good of a farm girl I really am on days when I’m called upon to manage things on my own! I always grew up helping my dad process meat, but working with so many living animals is FAR beyond my comfort zone. I don’t exaggerate when I tell you that I chased down and caught a runaway chicken in a giant fishing net the other day. It’s going to get entertaining around here- so you should definitely stick around for all this!

We look forward to sharing our experiences homesteading, foster-parenting, and homemaking! I’m thankful that you’ve stopped by and hope that you’ll subscribe for upcoming posts and adventures. Our intention is not to assert ourselves as an authority on matters but rather to generate genuine discussions about the things that we are passionate about and cultivate a deeper understanding and respect for the lifestyle we are embracing for our family.

We hope that you stick around and grow with us! We have so many exciting projects ahead that we look forward to sharing with you and helping you find ways to make the life that YOU want a reality!

Our hands (and hearts) are full and we couldn’t be any more excited about all that is ahead! i can’t imagine a happier, healthier, or more responsible way to live our lives and raise a family!

Welcome to the Homestead!