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Growing Our Family

Dear Family & Friends:

There are many ways to start a family. @jautery  and I are overjoyed to announce that we have decided to grow our family through FOSTER CARE + ADOPTION!


As with any child, we are not guaranteed a specific amount of time together. We may or may not have the opportunity to adopt our first placement. Ultimately, the goal of foster care is to provide a child with a safe, loving home while working toward a stable outcome… and we feel called to fill that role. No matter what, just like any child, our love for him/her is growing in hearts. This will make him/her our REAL, chosen, and oh-so-loved child that we would do anything for. Our call could come any day now- day or night- that our baby is coming to us! 


Foster care is complicated; each child’s situation and story is unique. There will be many things that we will be unable to share with you in order to protect the safety and privacy of our child and their biological family while they remain in care. We won’t be able to tell you their name or show photos where you can see their face, but we will do our best to share what we can and feel is appropriate and being you along on our journey.


As Believers, we have been adopted by a Heavenly Father. It is HIS love that has planted this desire in our hearts and we feel called to step into the role of parents for this purpose. 


We know this isn’t going to be easy and it will require a level of vulnerability and trust that we have never known. We are grateful for your kindness and willingness to educate yourselves about foster care as we embark on this journey. You can read more about our journey on our blog (see link in bio). We are more than happy to answer your questions and share in our joy in this new season! 


Lindsey & Josh